cambridge contemporary art

Tiffany Scull

Exploring and celebrating her fascination with the natural world through ceramic forms and intricate sgraffito drawings. Tiffany works from her Dorset studio creating ceramic forms decorated by hand with detailed Sgraffito drawings of many different plants and animals from around the world. Tiffany says ‘discovering and specializing in the decorative technique of Sgraffito has allowed me to pair up my two loves of drawing and clay work’. She views every unique work as a three dimensional clay painting and a celebration of the natural world. Her individual forms have all been thrown on the wheel and then left to dry to leather hard. She then creates her distinctive designs using many different processes including clay slips, sponging, carving and sgraffito. Once completed these are left to dry and fired in an electric kiln during which she selectively glazes her main themes leaving the rest of the decoration matt.