Georgia Elliott
Georgia worked as a freelance illustrator in Brighton for many years. After the birth of her daughter and a move to the countryside in Buckinghamshire (England) in 2018, her studio practice shifted as she threw herself into painting large expressive landscapes. Georgia's contemporary landscape paintings are bold and alive with movement.
“Constantly inspired by our changing British landscape, there is something about being out in vast, natural places that reminds me how small we really are. A reminder of our place in the world and that we can’t control everything; there’s a beauty and a relief in that.”
Some people feel calmed in these natural places but for Georgia it charges her up. Feeling free and alive she brings this energy back to the studio. Painting intuitively with high energy across several canvases, she bounces between them encouraging movement and immediacy. Georgia relishes working on a large scale, using mops & squeegees to shift the paint to its desired effect. Building watery atmospheric layers contrasted by bold decisive marks.
“Each painting has it’s own journey, I never plan an image or a colour palette as this hinders me from painting with complete freedom and emotion.” As the painting’s build layer upon layer, the suggestion of a landscape begins to emerge and the process slows down. Georgia encourages this landscape to come through but is conscious to keep taking risks right up until the final stroke.
Don’t hesitate to email us on or call us on 01223 324222 if you have any questions about specific pieces.